After more than 4 years in the making, Emdros version 3.0.0 has been released over at SourceForge.Net:

This started off as a branch off of the 1.1-series of Emdros, way back in 2004 (or was that 2003, even?). It then became a long series of preview releases, labelled 1.2.0.preXX (running internally to 1.2.0.pre269!). I should, of course, have released 2.0 way earlier. Now it became 3.0, simply because that is what it is, in terms of feature-additions.

By the way, the primary reason I haven't been so publicly active around Emdros is that I have gotten married (hence the change of surname you'll see below). Things have been moving internally, though, so 3.0.0 is actually a long ways from 1.2.0.pre262, the last public release.Enjoy!

Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen