Emdros Java port progressing


The Java port of Emdros is progressing. Today I expanded the implementation of SetOfMonads and related classes. I also expanded the test coverage of the JUnit tests.

This is part of my research at my University. I am finding that basing the SetOfMonads algorithms on Allen's 1983 paper that ...

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Java port of Emdros started


I've begun a (possibly long, possibly never-to-be-finished) journey to port Emdros to pure Java.

Today's efforts went into writing SetOfMonads and related classes. The implementation is mostly done.  It is slightly different from the one used in the C++ implementation of Emdros, and uses James F. Allen's ...

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Emdros 3.1.1 released


This release has long been overdue.

It adds support for gcc 4.4, which means it can be compiled on the latest Linux distributions, such as Fedora 11 and Ubuntu 9.04.

As usual, Windows binaries and Mac OS X Universal binaries are provided. Fedora 11 binaries and a .src ...

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Emdros 3.1.0 released


I have released Emdros version 3.1.0.  Go get it while it's hot.

The biggest change since 3.0.1 (the previous public release) is that the "uncles and nephews" bug mentioned earlier on this blog has been fixed.



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Speeding up a slow Windows


Windows deteriorates over time -- i.e., it doesn't maintain itself very well.  This can lead to Windows becoming slow as molasses.

I recently had to try to speed up a computer running Windows XP SP3.  The computer had been running Windows XP since 2006, without a reinstall in the ...

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